Are Homeschooled Students Smarter?

Homeschooling is popular among parents worldwide. It started in the early 80s and 90s among Catholic parents and has now become a popular way of education despite the religious aspects. Are homeschooled students smarter? Are homeschooled students smarter than public school students? Such questions arise in parents’ minds when choosing the best way of education for their children.

Research has proven that homeschooled students perform well in tests and academic curricula when compared with the students of schools. The percentage of homeschooled students who went on to get a bachelor’s degree in 2009 was roughly 67%, while it was 59% among students who attended a public school. There are many reasons behind the success of homeschooled students than the students who learn at schools.

In this article, we dig deep into the positive aspects of homeschooling and how it helps students to be smarter than other students. Many studies are proven how homeschooled children differ from other students.

Are homeschooled students smarter

Are Homeschooled Students Smarter?

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What is homeschooling?
Are homeschooled students smarter than public school students?
Are homeschooled students successful?
Successful people who were homeschooled
Is homeschooling better for mental health?
What are the homeschooling trends in 2022?

What is homeschooling?

Teaching children at home, rather than sending them to a public or private institution is called homeschooling. It is a growing trend in many parts of the United States and the rest of the world.

Several factors contribute to a family deciding to homeschool rather than enroll their children in a traditional school, including dissatisfaction with the available educational options, religious or educational philosophy differences, and the belief that their children are not making adequate academic progress within the traditional school structure.

As is mentioned on the Parents website, in the 1970s, well-known authors and researchers like John Holt and Dorothy, and Raymond Moore began writing on the need for educational reform, which sparked a rise in the homeschooling movement.

As an alternative to traditional schooling, they advocated for homeschooling. There are over 2 million homeschooled children in the United States, and that number continues to grow significantly each year, as reported by the National Home Education Research Institute. All fifty states and several other countries allow for homeschooling.

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Are homeschooled students smarter than public school students?

One of the advantages of homeschooling is that students can learn at their own pace. A higher percentage of homeschooled pupils get above-average SAT/ACT scores.

Seventy-eight percent of 2017 studies on homeschooling and academic achievement found that homeschooled pupils performed statistically significantly better than traditional school students. Homeschooled students have an average test score of 22.8.

Homeschooled pupils performed better than their traditionally-schooled peers by a margin of 15 or more points on general examinations.

Recent statistics show that while the average graduation percentage for students from homeschool programs is 67%, it is only 57.5% in public schools.

These statistics have proven that homeschooled students are smarter than school children in academic aspects.

Are homeschooled students successful?

Homeschooled students tend to be academically successful and this is the reason homeschooling is famous among parents nowadays. Statistics have shown that the students who had been homeschooled show significant progress in their lives than the children who had been going to schools.

Though they are academically successful, there are negative aspects such as a lack of social skills among homeschooled children. If you are a parent, consider not only academic aspects but also other aspects such as social aspects too.

Successful people who were homeschooled

The number of homeschooled children in the United States is 3.4% and rising, according to the Department of Education. There are several reasons why families decide to homeschool their children, such as a desire for more opportunities in the classroom, protection from bullying, or accommodating a child’s professional career pursuits.

Despite homeschoolers’ negative reputation, the names on this list are great examples of their potential for producing accomplished individuals. Singers like Taylor Swift, Christina Aguilera, Justin Bieber, and Miley Cyrus, as sportspersons like Serena Williams, Jamie Anderson, and Simone Biles are a few of examples successful homeschooled people.

Is homeschooling better for mental health?

Homeschooling has gained popularity in recent times, and parents wonder if it’s beneficial for their children’s mental health. Let’s explore the potential impact of homeschooling on children’s mental well-being.

  • Personalized Learning: Tailored education can reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Flexibility and Reduced Pressure: Homeschooling allows children to learn at their own pace, reducing academic stress.
  • Family Support: Homeschooling provides a supportive and nurturing environment.
  • Individual Attention: More one-on-one time with parents or teachers can boost self-esteem.
  • Reduced Bullying and Peer Pressure: Homeschooled children may experience less social pressure and bullying.

While homeschooling offers personalized learning, reduced pressure, and family support, its impact on mental health varies from child to child. The decision should consider each child’s unique needs and preferences, with open communication between parents and children to ensure a positive homeschooling experience.

Do homeschooled students have a tougher time getting into top universities?

A common concern among parents considering homeschooling is whether it may affect their child’s chances of getting into top universities. Let’s explore the realities of homeschooling and its impact on university admissions.

Do Homeschooled Students Have a Tougher Time Getting into Top Universities?

  • Academic Preparation: Homeschooled students can tailor their education, ensuring strong academic preparation.
  • Unique Experiences: Homeschooling offers flexibility for pursuing individual interests and engaging in diverse experiences.
  • Demonstrated Independence: Homeschooled students often exhibit self-motivation and independence in their learning.
  • Transcripts and Portfolios: Comprehensive transcripts and portfolios showcase the achievements and skills of universities.
  • Standardized Tests and Extracurriculars: Homeschooled students may need to excel in standardized tests and highlight extracurricular activities.

While homeschooling presents unique challenges, it doesn’t inherently hinder university admissions. Admissions decisions consider various factors, and with proper preparation, homeschooled students can successfully gain admission to top universities. Their individuality, academic achievements, and diverse experiences can actually make them stand out in the competitive application process.


Homeschooling has increased during the past few years especially due to the pandemic we went through recently. It may not work for every child but most of the children who were homeschooled are smarter than the other children of their age. This cannot be a co-incident. Therefore, homeschooling can be the best way of educating your child. Choosing what’s best for your child should be done with careful observations of the negative and positive impacts of homeschooling and regular school education.

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