What Do Boarding School Students Do On Weekends?

Boarding schools display themselves in various ways in manifold cultures. According to the community, the boarding school system is distinct. Every region has different methods of boarding schools. Are you interested admit into a boarding school? Or Are you a student of a boarding school? So, you may want to know many questions about boarding schools, like What is the routine of a boarding school? What do boarding school students do on weekends? Also, How is life in a boarding school? What is prep time in boarding school? Is boarding school stressful? Are mobile phones allowed in boarding schools? What can you not bring to boarding school? Do you share a room at a boarding school?

Usually, at the weekend, students can go home and spend their weekend. At the weekend, students have a relaxing sleep and get up late in the morning. They can go shopping, play for a long time, visit their relative’s houses, hang out with their friends, or rest at home. They also can go for evening walks and play with their pets. They can go for lunch in a restaurant with their family. Students can have a relaxing time so that they can take a good preparation for their exams. Also, they can read some novels, story tales, comics, and fiction to spend their weekend.

So, here we are presenting an article based on the students who live in boarding schools and how they spend their weekends. If you are a student or parent and want to know about this topic, read the article.

What Do Boarding School Students Do On Weekends

 What Is a Boarding School?

A boarding school is known as a school where students stay. Besides studies, students need a residence to live. Nowadays, boarding schools have become so famous. The term boarding has come from the sense of “room and board.”

That means housing and meals. Usually, parents send their children when they are one year to twelve years. But mostly, students in grades seven to twelve are going to boarding school.

In boarding schools, there are many facilities for students, like house systems, halls, libraries, laboratories, sports fields, gymnasiums, and medical aid. Also, the timing of a boarding school depends on the country and culture. There are a few types of boarding schools. Such as

  1. Full-time boarders: Students can go home after ending the academic year.
  2. Semester boarders: Students can go home after finishing the semester.
  3. Weekly boarders: Students can go home at the weekend every week.
  4. Half-time boarders: Students attend school during school hours and can go home after finishing their classes.

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What Are The Activities In Boarding School?

Besides education, students need some extra curriculum activities. Boarding schools try to teach students about morality and socialism. Also, teach them about life and challenges.

Teachers also try to teach students how to balance study life and entertainment. Students can play a part in physical education. In boarding school, there are various sports like hockey, cricket, football, rugby, tennis, golf, and netball.

In the UK, boarding school has more than 30 types of activities for students. Some schools conducted a few actions for students. Such as:

  • Science Activities
  • Social Activities
  • Math practice
  • English Activities
  • Geography Activities
  • Crafting
  • Art or drawing
  • Playing
  • Making worksheets based on some topics

These activities are better for every student.

What Do Boarding School Students Do On Weekends?

Boarding school students can go home on their weekends and enjoy their day. Some students can play on their weekends. Some can visit their relative’s houses, and some can go shopping.

At the weekend, students can wake up late in the morning. They can have a relaxing day. Also, they can enjoy their breakfast and lunch at their home. They can chat with their friends and cousins. If there is anything left over, students can do it on their weekends. Students can spend their holiday with their parents and family.

Also, they can practice some general knowledge for their career. Parents should select a boarding school that will be suitable for their children. 

What Is The Difference Between a Boarding School and a Normal School?

A boarding school and a normal school both have many differences in some ways. In this part, we are presenting some differences between a boarding school and a normal school.

A boarding school:

  1. Students have to spend the whole time on campus, excluding their holidays.
  2. Boarding school students have to do their personal work without seeking anyone’s help.
  3. Boarding school students get more advantages from sports.
  4. The cost of a boarding school is higher than a day school.

A normal school:

  1. Students stay at school only for a few fixed hours.
  2. Students who live with their families can seek help from their parents.
  3. In a day school, students get limited opportunities for sports.
  4. The cost of a normal school is less than a boarding school.

Are Mobile Phones Allowed In Boarding Schools?

It depends on the country and the boarding school system. In the Uk, boarding schools allow phones, but some restrictions are on using mobile phones. Students can use phones once a week. They can use the phone only for calls, not for texting.

To contract with parents, teachers allow phones but not any other purposes. Also, students shouldn’t use mobile phones during their study time.

It may waste their time and distract them from their study. It can harm students’ concentration, so teachers don’t want to allow mobile phones in boarding schools or rooms.

In India, many boarding schools don’t allow mobile phones.

In the USA, boarding schools usually don’t allow phones unless it’s an emergency. And in some countries, some boarding schools allow mobile phones for students.

Is Boarding School Stressful?

The current percentage of depression, stress, and anxiety is more than 25%. Also, at the age of 18-25, adults are suffering from depression, anxiety, and stress. In the USA, there are more than 10% of people suffer from depression and mental disorders.

Most of them are teenage. The higher score of stress patients is academically related. In boarding school, students face bullying, and it will have a bad effect on a student’s mental health. Furthermore, the pressure of study can be a cause of stress for a student.

Completing the class study, take preparation for the examination, and others can be the reason for stress for a student.

There are some tips to prevent students’ stress. These are:

  1. Make a proper routine and follow it.
  2. Maintain time wisely
  3. Develop sleep habits in timely
  4. Do exercise
  5. Walk in the fresh air in the morning
  6. Stop being lazy
  7. Ignore those whoever bullying you

How Is Life In Boarding School?

Boarding school has a schedule for students according to classes. Though you have a tight schedule, you have to maintain your time. You have to do your homework on time, communicate with your friends, and wake up early in the morning, go to class, sleep on time.

So, you have to do all of these things on time. There are some benefits of being a boarding school student. Also, a student can develop their personal growth and some valuable skills. Such as:

  • Advance in extracurricular activities.
  • Having an idea about socialism
  • Being a pry learner
  • Have the strength to face challenges.
  • Good personality
  • Know ethics and manners
  • Manage time
  • Being an open-minded
  • Listen to your parents and teachers
  • Being an organized person

What Are The Strict Rules In Boarding School?

In boarding school, students have to be punctual and maintain discipline. They have to follow their routine. Students have to be careful about their staff. Furthermore, they should keep their rooms neat and clean. There are some rules and regulations for boarding students. Such as:

  • Students shouldn’t have any electrical devices. 
  • Students shouldn’t keep money with them. 
  • Boarders have to go outside with their legal guardians. 
  • Parents can’t meet with them only weekend.
  • Fancy haircuts and fancy dress are not allowed in school.
  • Students can’t wear fancy shoes in the boarding school, they have to wear slippers in their boarding room, and school-defined shoes have to wear in school time.
  • Students have to pay all the dues before they leave boarding school.
  • If any student damages any property of the school, it will charge a fine
  • Students should be courteous to everyone.
  • Students can’t fight in school.
  • Must follow the routine.

Boarding school students have to follow all of these rules.

Do Boarding Schools Have Longer Holidays?

Usually, boarding schools have three longer breaks each of every middle term. In the Uk, students get almost 4 weeks off for Christmas and New Year. Besides, in the UK, boarding school gives time to their students the to go home and spend time with family.

Mongolia has the longest school summer weekends. The vacation starts from May or June to August. Also, the vacation is divided into 4 terms. Though, private schools are not restrained by the dates set by the education board. Moreover, private school has the freedom to set their holiday time.

Public school has bound by the education system and must set the holidays according to the education board. Some boarding school has longer weekends.


If you are a student of a boarding school, you must follow the rules and regulations of the boarding school. While selecting a boarding school, parents should check and choose wisely. Parents should choose boarding school which is suitable for their children. Once students learn manners and manage time, they can maintain their studies and time. If you read the article, you will know What Boarding School Students Do On Weekends or not.

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