Can you Join the Military Without A High School Diploma?

People of both sexes enlist in the U.S. armed forces for the dual purposes of serving their nation and earning a living wage. Some people join so that they can travel and see the world. There are physical, mental, and academic standards to join each of the four major military branches. While still in high school, you can put in time and effort to fulfill some of the qualifications required to join the military. But the doubt is, Can you join the military without a high school diploma? What are the requirements to join the military in my country? Why does the military require a high school diploma and does the military check for a high school diploma when recruiting?

It is possible to join the military without a high school diploma. Various armed services have different requirements for recruitment. Some examples of them are age, physical capability, citizenship, and educational qualifications. Many military positions require a certain level of education, and some positions have higher requirements than others. Not all military service members have the same educational requirements. While recruitment in the armed forces is possible without a high school certificate, some forces may give privileges to applicants who have either earned a degree or a high school diploma.

This article is about the qualifications for joining the military and the possibility of joining the military without a high school diploma. This will be informative for those who are interested in joining the military and serving the country.

Can you join the military without a high school diploma

Can you Join the Military Without A High School Diploma?

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What are the requirements to join the military in my country?
Why does the military require a high school diploma?
Does the military check for a high school diploma when recruiting?
Can you join the military without a high school diploma?
Can you finish high school in the military?

What are the requirements to join the military in my country?

Requirements to join the military are slightly different from country to country. But many common requirements apply no matter which country you are in. Citizenship, age, and gender are some of such common requirements.

A strong academic foundation is essential for success in any branch of the Armed Forces. Completion of secondary school is preferred. A person who doesn’t have a General Education Development (GED) diploma may still join the military, but they may face restrictions from the Services.

Without high school graduation or an accepted alternative certification, it is very difficult to be regarded as a serious applicant. But, some branches of the military allow joining without a high school diploma and allow acquiring a diploma while in active service.

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Why does the military require a high school diploma?

To maintain the standard of the branches, there are educational requirements that a person must meet to join the military. In many countries, the military requires a high school diploma as an educational requirement.

Apart from setting an educational standard, the military requires a high school diploma to join to control and limit recruitment when necessary. Potential recruits have been kept out of the military for reasons than lack of education.

Fewer and fewer people meet the requirements to join the military each year. Disqualifying factors such as obesity, criminal history, and mental illness reduce the number of people who could potentially serve as soldiers.

Does the military check for a high school diploma when recruiting?

After realizing that some highly qualified applicants couldn’t join the military since they were unable to complete their studies, the military decided to revise and reduce the requirements. The new policy removed the requirement for a high school diploma or its equivalent, while applicants must still have a score of 50 or above on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude test and complete all other regular recruitment conditions.

Those who were unable to complete high school as a result of different circumstances, such as taking care of a sick relative or having to work to support a family, will not be disqualified from military service because of this.

Based on information from, those who enroll and report for basic training by the end of the current fiscal year will be accepted despite the lack of a high school certificate. They need to be at least 18 years old to serve in the Army’s active-duty forces.

Can you join the military without a high school diploma?

You can join some forces of the military without a high school diploma. It is better to check with the military in your country to get a better idea of the requirements.

If you want to join the military without a high school diploma, there is good news for you. A high school dropout is welcome to apply to any branch of the armed forces.

However, a GED is required to join so. Although many people apply to join the military each year, just a handful of those who have not completed high school is recruited each year. Studies conducted on the military have indicated that high school dropouts had a higher incidence of disciplinary action and early discharge due to behavioral difficulties.

The military has a high turnover rate; therefore it is normal for them to accept high school dropouts. However, the military still carefully evaluates each applicant to ensure they have the necessary skills and character traits to become reliable soldiers.

Can you finish high school in the military?

According to, Soldiers and their adult family members can participate in the Army’s High School Completion Program (HSCP) during their off-duty hours to work toward a high school diploma or equivalency certificate.

The Department of Defense will pay for a soldier’s full tuition for courses leading to a GED or high school diploma. Find out if there is a resident HSCP on base, in the local community, or through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) external degree program. You can get further information by contacting the Army Education Center in your area.


It is possible to join the military without a high school diploma and can fulfill the educational qualifications after recruitment. If you have courage and commitment, a high school diploma cannot stop you from achieving your goals by joining the military. If you don’t have a high school diploma, wait for the right time to apply when they have lifted the requirements for a diploma or find a branch in the military that doesn’t require a diploma.

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